Hi, my name is Annie and I am an ACE certified personal trainer and former professional team handball player. My 14 years of professional career as a handball player taught me how important is to live a healthy life. Along with personal training I teach physical education. In high school I was also a competitive track and field athlete and I have a love for gymnastics.
American Counsil on Exercise
Sessions are geared toward the clients being able to perform exercises safely and effectively on their own. They will learn technique and gain confidence in their ability to take control of their health. Whether it's pumping iron or endurance work, the workout routine is based on the goal of the client.
I like to see the spark in the clients eyes when they accomplish an exercise they didn't think they were capable of doing.
Hours | $/hr | Save |
6 | $89 | -- |
12 | $85 | 4% |
20 | $82 | 8% |